Emigration and Caribbean Literature

Emigration and Caribbean Literature

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Emigration and Caribbean Literature

最近逛街的時候在店面看到Emigration and Caribbean Literature心裡覺得很心動! 但是我有想到

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還在PTT詢問過其它網友的結果 .網友的心得分享一致推薦本商品.,以及推薦Emigration and Caribbean Literature) 在那裡買才是最便宜!

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  • Emigration and Caribbean Literature

    • 簡介

      Emigration and Caribbean Literature is a fresh and necessary re-engagement with the generation of writers from the Caribbean Basin who journeyed to Europe to establish their names and literary reputations between and after the two World Wars. It reads across the Anglophone and Francophone traditions to take as its focus Lamming, Cap嶰ia, Naipaul, C廥aire, Selvon, and Glissant, focusing firmly on their shared status as emigrants and the effects of their migration on the content and composition of their first works. By applying the theories of Antonio Gramsci, Pierre Bourdieu, and Pascale Casanova to readings of these authors' contexts and the content of their texts, the book reveals how World War-era Caribbean writers were pushed to represent themselves as authentic spokesmen for their people, self-representations that are everywhere undermined by fiction and poetry that express the specific concerns of Caribbean emigrant intellectuals.


    規格:21.6*14*0 cm

    系列名稱:New Caribbean Studies


  • 作者:Mcintosh, Malachi

  • 出版社:Palgrave Macmillan

  • 出版日:2015/10/1

  • ISBN:9781137555892

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:精裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Emigration and Caribbean Literature


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